You made an excellent decision enrolling in Multi-unit Income Training Program!
You made a wise investment by joining this program and I can’t wait to begin the journey with you.
Your purchase was successful and you’ll receive the following emails in the next 2-4 minutes:
Please allow up to 10 minutes for these emails to arrive and if you don’t receive them please check your spam folder or junk folder to make sure they are not hiding in there.
If you still haven’t received your login information after 15 minus, please email and my team will help you out!
I look forward to working with you!
We’re glad to have you enrolled in our online training program!
We’d like you to execute the following steps (in sequential order) to assist with your onboarding process:
1. Schedule your onboarding call with our Support Team: Please click on the link below to register for your onboarding call.
2. Watch the onboarding video: Please watch this membership introductory video on how to navigate the online training.
3. Online Access to the Program: As promised, we’ve set you up with online access to view the online training you purchased.
Your login information is below and will be accessible in 15 minutes.
Website Login:
Username: (the email address you used to scedule your call – if unsure of what email you used, then ask your cashflow adviser)
Password: credit1234
Once signed in, please click on the program you purchased and start with the first module. In order to get started with the product you purchased, start with the “Watch me first” module and then go from there.
When logging in to 100PF Academy, please do so from a desktop or laptop.
Please make sure you follow the modules in sequential order and refrain from skipping modules. Also, please watch a module and complete all action items before proceeding with the next module.
Last, you also get access to the Quit Your Day Job module as an added bonus.
4. Closed Facebook Group: Please join our closed Facebook group. This group is designed to be a platform for unlimited questions and answers (Q&A), networking, and accountability.
Click Here To Join Our Closed Facebook Group.
If you have a content request, then share it on the Facebook Group page, too.
By the way, we typically have a credit expert on Thursdays, so if you have credit questions, please join the Thursday calls or post them on the closed Facebook group.
Please schedule the Q&A calls in your calendar so you can remind yourself 🙂