Here's Everything You Need To Know About
Multi-Unit Income Training Program (MIT 3.0) FAQ

Have A Question About Joining?

Making a decision like this one might be a big thing for you and there may be other people involved like your partner, wife, business partner of other family members. I totally understand and have put this FAQ resource together for you so that you can answer your questions and educate and convince others involved in the decision.

The methods taught in the Multi-Unit Income Training program have been battle tested and proven with over 1,000 students around the USA.

The program has created 7 Financially Free Investors, 136 people acquire multi-units, thousands of negative items removed from credit reports, and helped our students receive millions in funding. 

The Multi-Unit Income Training Program

This is not your typical “program.” We provide you with everything you need to be successful. 

  • 6 Week Training Program
  • 24/7/365 Community
  • 2X Week Live Q&A Coaching Sessions
  • Lifetime Access

Have a question about joining?

Making a decision like this one might be a big thing for you and there may be other people involved like your partner, wife, businenss partner of other family members. I totally understand and have put this FAQ resource together for you so that you can answer your questions and educate and convince others involved in the decision.

The methods taught in the Consulting Accelerator program have been battle tested and proven with over 10,000 students around the world.
The program has created 21 millionaires, 451 six-figure earners and 2,838 people have been able to quit their 9-5 jobs. Our students have made over $400,000,000 in reported income.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: "Will This Work For Me?"

GREAT question! The Multi-Unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program is different from other programs… I don’t force you to sell my product, i don’t force you into doing a particular thing or working in a particular market.  
The program is designed to work with your specific skills, background and current situation. People are different, markets are different, people have different amounts of investment capital, different credit scores, and the real estate business is not a “1 size fits all” sort of game. The program begins with auditing your own personal interests, skills and passions. We then look at different industries and see what problems and pains they have. We use a proven process for finding the “sweet spot” where your skills are best used to add value and determine the best areas to invest and help others and that’s where you will find your “market” and start your multi-unit portfolio.
The program has an extremely high success rate and has the best track record in the world in the space of coaching and consulting. This is largely due to the fact that the program is made to work with your passions and skills instead of forcing things on you which you’re not comfortable with and aren’t at ease doing. 
If you’re wondering if this program will work for you the answer is a very clear YES and we have the track record to prove it. You are also 100% covered, safe and protected with our 3 day money back guarantee. Simply try the program out and if it doesn’t work for you just ask us for a full refund and we’ll happily do that – no skin off your back.  
You can get started by clicking here.

Question 2: "Why Is It So Expensive?"

If you think this program is too expensive then you’re probably thinking of this in terms of “training” or “information” and not in terms of what this will actually do for you and your family.  
You purchase this program for the results that it will get you, not the videos, templates, and information inside of it. You might think that $1,997 is expensive for a 6-week online course or some “information”. But is $1,997 too expensive for your own successful multi-unit portfolio with paying tenants and a monthly income in excess of $10,000 which lasts for a lifetime?
A college education costs $35,000 on average and it takes 3-5 years to complete. And for what? A piece of paper and skills that were outdated 15 years ago? Most MBA programs cost $100,000 or more and many online courses cost upwards of $5,000 – $10,000. And guess what? None of these promise tangible real life results, none of them guarantee your purchase and none of them actually have a track record of working.
The Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program is laser focused. We don’t teach any “fluff” and there’s no politics – we get straight down to business, start a multi-unit portfolio, get funding, and make passive income FAST! And unlike college education this program comes with a 100% money back guarantee and has a track record of producing real life results.
What you are paying for here is a shortcut. I went at it alone and it cost me a fortune. I’ve had 2 failed companies, spent over $50,000 on training, more than 300 hours on trying to figure this thing out, hired 9 staff that i didn’t need, rented an office I didn’t need, travelled all over the world thousands of hours in the air, more than $100,000+ on travel expenses and hotels, read more than 200 books, left millions of dollars on the table by underpricing myself and making dumb mistakes and burned multiple years of my life working 12 hour plus days that I will never get back.  
That’s the REAL COST of this information, that’s what it cost me to get to where I am today. This program give you the shortcut so that you don’t need to go through that for yourself. $1,997 or that? You choose…
You can get started by clicking here.

Question 3: "Who Is This 'Juan Pablo' Guy & Why Him?"

Hi I’m Juan Pablo and here’s my story and why you should listen to me:  
I am a consultant from Pittsburgh, PA currently living in Atlanta, GA. I had a humble but normal upbringing, went to college, got a job working for the government after graduating, and wasn’t happy with my life. I thought surely there’s more to life than this. I wanted more income, more passion and more freedom. I also wanted to be blessed to be a blessing so I can give back to others.
I was living with a friend-of-a-friend who needed the extra room back, and found a lady in New Jersey who was open to me renting a room in her house. Then, after helping her with her home accommadation business (house-hacking), she allowed me to stay at her home rent-free as long as I gave up my bedroom and slept on the living room floor.  Then, I saved up enough money to do a lease-option on a 3-bedroom basement apartment.
I tried to start typical “first timer” businesses: an online language-learning business and an airbnb-type businesses.  I tried it all and NOTHING worked for me! I spent all the money I had, took out all the loans and credit cards i could get, was more than $80,000 in debt, had $0 to my name and had to rent out the rooms in my basement apartment while I slept in the living room on a futon to make ends meet. I had nothing going for me, was completely broke with bad credit and beaten down more than I can explain.  
One day out of sheer desperation to just make something work and prove to myself that I’d made the right decision I turned to multi-unit rentals. At first I struggled but then one day everything clicked and I figured it out. That first year I purchased 3 rental units, the next zero additional rentals, the next 4 units, then 23…and it just kept growing to 72 in total.  Now my multi-unit portfolio is at the point where I no longer have to work another day in my life if I don’t want to. 
People caught notice of my success and asked if I could help them out. At first I refused but eventually I gave in and started helping other people with my methods. I first started helping people in 2014. Since then I have created 7 financially free real estate investors, helped 136 investors close on multi-units, and helped thousands of others remove negative items off their credit and helped them get funding and live lives of freedom.  
Here’s why I’m different: I actually started from $0 with no headstart and no advantages. My family is not from money – no one has a business in background, i had no connections, no network, no money to borrow – nothing. I started from a small project in Pittsburgh, PA completely broke and built my way here all by myself in record time. Other so called experts started with massive advantages, were able to borrow money or had family business networks to take advantage of. Other so-called experts took 30-40 years to get to where they are today (and they’re still not that successful). I got myself here in 4 years time.  
When you choose a business mentor you want them to be successful, you don’t want them to have any headstarts and you want them to have achieved success quickly. I have done all of that and produced more successful consultants than anybody else out there in the marketplace today. Find me somebody with a better track record than that.  
You can get started by clicking here.

Question 4: "Are There Any Hidden Costs?"

With most online programs there are a ton of hidden costs and they try to up-sell you into fifty different things the moment you buy. This is NOT the case with the Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program.
When you join this program there is nothing else to buy. You don’t need anything else and I don’t even have anything else to sell you – I put everything I’ve got into this program and I didn’t leave any grey areas.  
This program is not “half the answer” it’s not even “almost everything”. This program is EVERYTHING you need. I literally show you how to go from knowing nothing at all about funding, personal finance, market selection, property management, due diligence, etc. to the point where you have your own successful multi-unit portfolio with paying tenants and cashflow. There’s no catch, no hidden costs or fees and you get everything you need the moment you sign up. You can get started by clicking here.

Question 5: "How Much Time Will This Course Take?"

This program is designed for speed and it’s as lean as it can possibly get. I don’t want you to be stuck behind your computer listening to my voice all day, I want you to start your own multi-unit portfolio, get funding, get paying tenants and make cashflow.  
Everything in this program is designed with the end goal in mind – nothing else. There’s no filler, fluff or useless theory, this program cuts right to the heart of the matter and we get you to start taking action in the first three days of joining.  
This program is designed to be completed over 6 weeks. You get access to the training for life and you can do it as many times as you like. You can work as fast as you like and complete the whole 6 weeks in 5 days OR you can go as slow as you like and complete the 6 weeks over 11 years – that’s totally up to you and you are free to do whatever you want on your own schedule and in your own time. You can get started by clicking here.

Question 6: "What Do I Actually Get When I Join?"

It’s different from every course out there to date. Here’s how:
The Proven Process
I’ve turned the unknown, gray area of how to start a multi-unit portfolio and turned it into a precise science. While others use guesswork, we use a predictable, proven process. We’re certain it’s going to make you wealthy. It’s not even up to chance. The only thing that’s up to chance is whether you’ll do it or not. We’ve got a proven process.
A New Paradigm
I engineered a new way to think and reprogram your mind that is so profound, it’s like seeing for the first time. People often tell me, “I see the world differently. Things are different now. My life has changed.”
I’m not kidding with this stuff. When you reprogram your mind and install this new paradigm I created, you’re going to see things differently. You’re going to behave differently, and you’re going to become a different, better person.
If you’ve ever wondered what makes a billionaire a billionaire, it’s that they think different. They see the world different. What you might see as a problem, they see as an opportunity. What you see as a disaster, they see as something else. You don’t see the same things they see, and you definitely don’t have the same thoughts they have.
People who are really successful have profoundly different paradigms and worldviews than the ones society has adopted and installed into us by default. There really hasn’t been a time before where someone has given everyone a corrected paradigm to operate with, but that’s what I’ve done with this program.
We’re able to get this new, better way of viewing the world installed in most people in just a few weeks. It took me my entire life to figure out how to do this, and it takes billionaires their entire lives, too. But we literally get you thinking differently in just a few weeks.
A Winning Community
It’s hard to change your life when you’re surrounded by the same people you’ve always been surrounded by. But we have a solution to this problem. All of our students join a worldwide community of people on the same path, so their dreams aren’t laughed at, but achieved on a daily basis.
Like I mentioned earlier, society gives sympathy to people who don’t win, and it frowns upon winners. Which is really messed up if you think about it. In our society, our group, we only celebrate winners. People who lose have to choose for themselves to become a winner.
With this program, you will have access to the Facebook group, and you will want to start hanging out in the Facebook group. You can still be friends with the people you’re friends with, and you can, of course, keep the same family. I’m not saying you have to leave them or anything. You just need to find a healthy balance between people who believe they can win, and your family and friends.
Because if you just have your family and friends, they’re going to pull on your belief in yourself, and you’re going to end up back down at their level. You need to have a healthy balance, so always remember that.
Expert Mentorship
Most of the time, it’s not a good idea to talk about your dreams and business ideas in front of people who aren’t in business for themselves. It will just draw criticism. But how can they judge your dreams and ideas? They’re not even in business for themselves.
So, it’s probably a good idea to ask business questions and talk about your dreams with people in our community, and when it comes to hanging out with family and friends, keep those things separate. This way you can keep your mind in the right place and in expert mentorship.
Everyone needs advice and help when tackling new challenges, but true experts are out of reach for most people. You know experts cost a lot of money. I don’t even sell my time anymore.
People routinely offer me five, six grand for an hour, and I say no every time. If you don’t believe me, you can try it. You can email and offer me for 6k an hour, and you’re going to get rejected. I’m not even making that up.
People who give really good advice are expensive, and most of the time they are out of reach. However, I’ve figured out a way to get expert mentors in touch with ordinary, everyday people in a way that is economical.
That is through our Facebook community and our group calls. I jump in the Facebook group often, and I’ve got millionaire experts and coaches who also jump in and help there, too. This is how we can provide expert mentorship to everyone.
These four elements make up what I call the perfectly engineered change agent. As you’re going through this process, it’s important to remember these four things.
Always remember that just one of these things on its own isn’t going to get you where you want to go. You need it all. All four parts are equally important, and if you take one out, the whole thing will fall over. You must keep all four at all times.
You can get started by clicking here.

Question 7: "I've Done These Courses Before And They Don't Get Completed Or I Don't Get Any Results From Them?"

Yep! I’ve done many of these courses too! The truth is that most courses don’t deliver and here’s why:
Most courses contain information but no clear course of action so that you can actually do something and get results. The Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program is different because it teaches the principle lesson, then it provides examples to cement the idea in your brain. Then it give you the step by step implementation plan so that you can actually implement what you’ve learned in the real world and get results.   
Most courses contain theory and don’t come from real life experience. This program comes from my own life experience of starting a multi-unit portfolio from nothing and making more than five figures in 4 years. I take everything i’ve learned from being on the front lines of capitalism every day myself. I was a real estate investor before making this course and I still am a real estate investor to this very day. This course is based on real life and the methods taught work in this current marketplace at this current minute. No theory, just step-by-step action items to start a multi-unit portfolio, get funding, get tenants and make cashflow.   
Most courses are out-of-date or they quickly go out-of-date and no longer work. This program is up to date to this current second and everything you will learn will work in this current marketplace. I also ruthlessly update all the content the second it becomes irrelevant so that it’s always up to date and working – and you get access to these updates for life – all included in your purchase.   
Most courses are created by people in an attempt to make passive income for themselves and they don’t actually care whether the information in them works or not. This program is not an “attempt to make money”. This program is my life’s work and I care about it immensely. Consulting is my obsession, it’s what I live and breathe every single day from the moment i wake up to the moment I go to sleep. This program has been re-created three times and I have put more than 10,000 hours into it. I don’t want to just create a course, I want it to be the best in the world and that’s what it is.  
When you join this program you will notice that this is leaps and bounds beyond anything else you have ever seen and truly a work of passion. This program is not just “good”, it actually gets results too.  You can get started by clicking here.

Question 8: "How Does the Refund Gurantee Work?"

When you join the Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program you are 100% covered, safe and protected by our 3 day money back guarantee. Here’s how it works:
This program shows you step-by-step how to start your own multi-unit portfolio and get your first round of funding. This program works, I have confidence that it works and there is a track record to prove it. However… If for some strange reason this program does not work for you and you do not get a funding, and increased credit score, or a deal. I will give you a FULL refund of the entire purchase price immediately for I don’t want to waste your time.  
This program speaks with RESULTS and if you don’t get a tenant, funding, or an improved credit score then you get refunded. Simple as that. There is absolutely no possible way you can lose by joining the program other than by not trying it out. 
What are the conditions for the guarantee? Very simple: All I ask is that you actually take action in the program and give it a solid go. You must complete at least Week 0 in order to qualify for a refund.  We also require you to do this within 3 days from the date of purchase. Those are the terms plain and simple and they are very fair. We uphold our guarantee obligations and you can rest assured that your purchase is 100% risk free. Like I said… The only way you can possibly lose is by not trying this out. You can get started by clicking here.

Question 9: "What Kind Of Support Do I Get In This Program?"

When you join the Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program you get a TON of support every single step of the way. I care about your results and in order to get results you need support. Here’s what you get the moment you join:
Facebook Group Support: You get access to our Facebook group for support 24/7/365. You can ask a question in here any time you like and a member of the group will help you out. I also employ trained and highly paid coaches to help with support in the Facebook group. This is an invaluable support network. 
Coaching Call Support: Every week we hold 2x weekly Q&Q Coaching Calls. Monday’s at 6pm Eastern and Thursday’s at 1pm Eastern every single week. Each call runs for 1-2 hours and you can show up and ask any questions you have live and either myself or one of my highly skilled and well paid coaches will help you out.   
Email Support: On top of the Facebook group and the weekly calls… You also get access to my full time customer support team. Simply contact my team via email at any time and they will respond to you within one business day.  
You get access to all of these support channels for life when you enroll today. You can get started by clicking here.

Question 10: "When Does This Program Start And What Happens If I Skip A Class Or Go On Vacation?"

The Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program is taught through pre-recorded videos and PDF files which are all available online 24/7/365. It doesn’t matter if you get married, go on a one month vacation or miss a training class. All of the information is available in the content portal and you can access it at any time. You get full lifetime access to this training so you will never “fall behind” or miss out on anything. We got you covered!  
If you can’t make one of the Live Coaching Calls or miss one by accident we got you covered too! Every single call is recorded and then uploaded in the Facebook group so that you never miss a beat. Show up live or view the recordings. You will never miss a call or fall behind and you get lifetime access to the calls.  
You can start this program the moment you sign up. When you click the buy button you will be in the portal within 20 seconds and have access to all the training. You can start tonight and be taking action first thing tomorrow. The best time to start is always now and you can get started by clicking here.

Question 11: "How Do I Find The Right Market To Invest In - Which Market Will Be The Most Profitable?"

There’s no “magic market”, you need to go through this process yourself and we teach you exactly how to do this in detail in the program. It’s the second week of the training for a reason, you don’t pick your market and then join the program. You don’t fix your credit and then join the program. You don’t get investment capital and then join the program. You join the program to pick your market, get your credit cleaned up, and get access to repeatable sources. of funding. If we expected you to pick it before joining it wouldn’t be a module in the training program. Don’t worry about selecting your market, join and then we figure that out together. We have a full process for this.
We have students from thousands of different markets and locations. From big cities to small towns to mid-sized cities, we have people in everything you can think of. This program is designed as a framework that’s applicable to any market/location/market condition (up-market, down-market, recession, pandemic, boom, economic down-turn, or if the market conditions are stagnant) so whatever market you’re in, the program will work for you.
Click here to see successful students by market:
– New York City
– New England area
– DMV Area
– Los Angeles
– San Francisco
– Dallas
– Houston
– Atlanta
– Pittsburgh
– South Florida
– North Florida
– Chicago
You can get started by clicking here.

Question 12: "How Do I Get Repeatable Sources Of Investment Capital?"

You want to leverage Other People’s Money and not just your owns – eventually your savings and retirement accounts will run dry. You should look at how you can get access to capital at least twice a year. You want to make sure that you pick a source of investment capital that you can profitably use towards a multi-unit deal. This program shows you exactly how to do that step-by-step. I strongly advise everyone in my program to never rely on savings or retirement accounts as their only means of obtaining investment capital because it is not scalable. I encourage them to get access to  more than that and many do.
As far as repeat investment capital goes… most people believe that problems are fixed once and then that’s it, but we all know that’s not true. There’s no such thing as fixing something once and forgetting about it, as soon as it’s fixed you must maintain it to make sure that it doesn’t break again. This is where ongoing credit line increases can work well, you fix the problem initially by obtaining one source of investment capital, let’s say business credit, then you steadily ask for credit line increases so you can have more investment capital. Then, you have the asset, the multi-unit property, pay off the business credit card balance. I show you exactly how to do this in Week 1 of the training. 
Get started by clicking here.

Question 13: "Does This Program Work For The Unemployed Or Those Who Don't Have Proof Of Documented Income?"

This course is for all possible professions and markets. It’s a program that’s designed to work for literally any profession – military, white-collar, blue-collar, students, small business owners, high income-earners and low-income earners. We show you proven methods for picking your market, finding out what areas within those markets are the best to invest in, how to build a team in that market, doing the numbers of a deal in that market, crafting offer letters for deals in that market, and then how to do due diligence on it, close it, manage it, and exit it if you chose to. We cover literally everything from end to end and it works for any profession or financial situation – whether you have the credit or not, the cash or not, the tax returns or not, the w2s or not, the education or not, the negotiation skills or not, or the math skills or not.. We have successful students in thousands of different markets and you can see them on our website – just click on “reviews” . As you can see we have over 60 reviews. Combined we’ve estimated our students have made over $40,000,000 from the methods taught in this training program. It’s that powerful.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in business – B2B, B2C or doing some hardcore business or completely non-business – the methods in the program will work for you and they will generate results – even if you’re currently unemployed or 19 years old in college. That’s a fact. And you can get started by clicking here.

Question 14: "Is There A Payment Plan To Help Split The Payments Up And Make It More Affordable?"

Yes, The Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program can be paid by either 1x payment of $1,997 or 14x weekly payments of $167. The payments of $167 are 7 days apart and you will pay $167 today, $167 in 1 week, $167 in 2 weeks, $167 in 3 weeks, $167 in 4 weeks, $167 in 5 weeks,  $167 in 6 weeks, $167 in 7 weeks, $167 in 8 weeks, $167 in 9 weeks, $167 in 10 weeks, $167 in 11 weeks, $167 in 12 weeks, $167 in 13 weeks, and the last $167 in 14 weeks. 
The payment plan option comes to a total of $2,338 which is roughly $341 more expensive than the 1x payment option.  If you can pay $1,997 upfront we strongly recommend that since you will save some money but understand if you can’t swing it and that’s when the payment plan suits well.    
The program and level of support you receive are exactly the same whether you do 1x payment of $1,997 or 14x payments of $167. Nothing changes at all other than the payment term. You can get started by clicking here.

Question 15: "Am I Too Young Or Too Old For This?"

The Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program works for people of all different ages however we do not recommend it for anybody under the age of 18. I personally got started at age 23 and I wish I got started sooner! For that reason I recommend it to anybody 18 years and above. Age 18 is old enough to understand this, sign contracts, and old enough to start taking action in the real world. Lot’s of successful real estate investors (even ones that are financially free) start by age 18 and In my honest opinion the sooner you get started the better!  
Am I too old to do this? Absolutely not! The perfect time to do anything is NOW and what option do you have? There’s no getting younger and you only have one shot at life. I have a large number of baby-boomers in the program who are 50-60-70+ who have worked long careers in traditional jobs and still been very successful with the program. The entire training program is very easy to follow and everything is provided step-by-step with clear instructions. There are no age barriers to joining this program and being wildly successful with it. You can get started by clicking here.

Question 16: "What If I'm Already Successful And Already At An Advanced Level, Will This Program Help Me?"

Yes, the Multi-unit Income Training program will still provide serious value for you even if you already have your own rental portfolio and are cashflow with it. Many real estate investors and real estate professionals join my program every single day. All of them join and get immense value from this program. Here’s why:
Many successful people are great at what they do but they always have “blind spots”. They might be great at acquiring dealflow and making money via wholesaling or being an agent that but they don’t know much about buy and holds. Or some might be very successful real estate investors  constantly looking for “that edge” to sharpen them and their team to be one step ahead of the competition and build a mote to keep others away – even find more profitable markets and sclae from single-families to multifamilies. They may want to fine -tune their systems and need a program that teaches them how. This program helps already successful entrepreneurs, investors, and real estate professionals do all of that.
The fact is that I make more than five figures /year with my business and keep a jaw dropping portion of that in net profit.  Most successful people don’t have wealth like I have and they sure as sure didn’t build it that quickly. This program gives deep insight into how I achieved that, how I structure my rental business for insane leverage and high profits and how I continue to scale again and again every single year. I know for sure that there is a TON to learn in this program even if you’re already successful. You can join the program right now by get started by clicking here.

Question 17: "What If I'm Not Ready Now, Will You Hold My Spot For A Few Months?"

No, this offer is going away.  When the countdown timer hit’s 00:00:00 which is happening very soon (see the countdown timer at the top of this page) this page will come offline, this deal will be taken offline.  
At this point you’re free to buy the program at the regular price of $7,000 off our website.  
There will be absolutely ZERO exceptions on this and if you miss this offer by 1-minute, 1 day, 1 week or even 1 month, it doesn’t matter one bit – it will cost you $7,000.
Look… If you are serious about being successful, making money and changing your life for the better you need to do it right now. The “perfect time” will never come. Believe me… Those waiting for the perfect time end up on their death bed swearing they will “do it someday – I’ll do it tomorrow. The perfect time is right now and those who take action quickly always get the best results. Stop procrastinating, stop putting off a better life for yourself and your family – that should be your priority and your duty – do it now! You can get started by clicking here.

Question 18: "Will This Work In My Country?"

We have thousands of students in Canada and Unitied States. We have students in many different cities around the USA and the program has been proven to work worldwide.
See successful student case studies by the below regions by clicking here:
– United States
– Canada
You can get started by clicking here.

Question 19: "Can I Buy A Portion Of The Program Because I Only Need Help With ______?"

Nope. This program is designed to be a proven process from start to finish. You start at week 0 module 1 and work systematically through to the end. When executed correctly this program gets results like nothing else and I am not going to mess with the process.  
Truthfully… You might think that you have a problem with 1 thing only but I can tell you from coaching thousands of others that’s never the case! You don’t know what you don’t know and if you’re not successful you’re missing more than you think. It’s never just one thing that makes or breaks somebody in business – its a collection of all things executed the correct way all in harmony together.  
The program will not be split up. Not now not ever and even if you offered me $1,800 for 1 module only I wouldn’t budge. The answer is no and if you’re not committed enough to do the whole thing please find another course to help you. And I say “help you” knowing full right that it will not help you. So please do not blame me when you get access to that 1 thing and you’re still not successful, I did warn you. You can enroll in the full program by clicking here.

Question 20: "Do I Get One-On-One Access To Juan Pablo Personally?"

The Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program is an online course which means the training is all created by me, recorded by me and all my own work. It’s my best work too. So when you enroll in this program you really are learning directly from me and you’re learning my absolute best stuff, I hold nothing back.
You get access to the online course, the Facebook community and the twice weekly Q&A Coaching calls. I am in the Facebook group every single day and I read peoples posts, reply to them and provide feedback. I also attend some of the coaching calls each week. When I’m not on the calls my well trained and highly paid coaches handle them for me and they are the best of the best.  
You do not get any 1on1 access or personal time with me included in this program. My personal 1on1 consulting fee is $4000 USD/hour and there is a minimum of 5 hours paid up front before we speak at all. This means you must pay $20,000 up front before we even get on the phone and when we do you only have 5 hours – not a moment longer.  
The Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program is 100+ hours of my best stuff and to be honest with you its delivered in a clearer way than i could deliver it 1on1 to you myself. Its literally like hiring me to come to your office or home and consult you 1on1 for 100+ hours stepping you through every detail from start to finish. The experience is the same as hiring me to do this myself but at a fraction of the price. It would cost you $160,000 to hire me to teach you this in person and this program provides the same experience for $1,997 or 14x weekly payments of $167. All from the comfort of your own home on demand and whenever you like! You can get started by clicking here.

Question 21: "Juan Pablo Started His Multi-Unit Portfolio By Himself So Why Do I Need To Buy This Program? Can't I Just Do It By Myself Too?"

Doing this online course is literally like “downloading my brain” as of this current moment from my head directly into your head. You get my mindset, strategies, tactics, unique contrarian way of thinking and all of my life’s discoveries about business, investing and how the world and economy works.  
The 10’s of thousands of hours of thought this has taken to build would make a normal person sick to their stomach and i don’t think many people are capable of acquiring this much knowledge on their own. It’s too painful and they are nowhere near committed enough. Without a word of a lie the journey to acquire this knowledge has been truly gut wrenching, devastating and I’ve been through hell and back to acquire it.  
That’s the journey I’ve been through to figure this thing out. This program literally gives you the ability to take my knowledge and download it directly for yourself for just $1,997 and in 6 weeks time. You get the shortcut. You get the easy path. It’s that way or the way I mentioned above and it’s obvious which way is smarter and more efficient.
If you want to spend millions, sacrifice everything you have and work 12 hours a day for the next five years of your life just to save $1,997 then by all means go for it, but if you do pursue that path with this option on the table you truly are an idiot. This is the proven path. This is the map. This is the way to get to success without incurring all the failure and waste that I’ve had to incur. This is your time right now to step up, take action and build the life of your dreams. Let’s get you enrolled in the Multi-unit Income Training (MIT 3.0) program and let’s start working together TODAY!  
Click the button below right now and I’ll see you in the training portal and Facebook group within the next 5 minutes. It’s your time, let’s do this together!  

The Multi-Unit Income Training Program

This is not your typical “program.” We provide you with everything you need to be successful. 

  • 6 Week Training Program
  • 24/7/365 Community
  • 2X Week Live Q&A Coaching Sessions
  • Lifetime Access

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The Multi-Unit Income Training Program

This is not your typical “program.” We provide you with everything you need to be successful. 

  • 6 Week Training Program
  • 24/7/365 Community
  • 2X Week Live Q&A Coaching Sessions
  • Lifetime Access

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated anywhere on this funnel are individual sales figures and marketing results. Please understand that sales figures are not typical, and we are not implying that you will duplicate them. We have the benefit of doing real estate investing for 5+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who simply purchases any “how-to” program may not follow through on what they are being taught and because of that we cannot guarantee any specific result. We are using these references for example purposes only. Sales figures will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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