Step 1: Watch the Video Below So You Can Learn How To Get Your Credit Report & Upload It To Our System.

Step 2: Click Here to Download your most recent report from, then upload below to begin. We cannot provide you with an estimate for business credit or consult you without a full credit report (no screenshots please).

Step 3: Apply for Business Credit Below.

Get started with business credit today!

A short-term financing option that comes in the form of physical credit cards. This funding solution is ideal for start-ups and novice investors in need of working capital or down payment assistance. Uses can include but are not limited to debt transfer, marketing campaigns, inventory purchases, and reserves. The cards may also be converted into cash for real estate investing, or other business ventures requiring cash-only payments or deposits.


– Flexible spending and approval amounts up to $250,000

Fast & Efficient

– Receive funding within 3 weeks of applying

Available to ALL Businesses

– Funding can be used for any purpose without lender approval


– No upfront or consultation fees. – Interest rates (APR) as low as 8.99%.

– Must have a 720 credit score, no bankruptcies, no foreclosures, no late payments within the past 24 months, and have already had a credit card with a $5,000 limit.

– 0% interest rate on the cards for the first 6-12 months and 12.75% success fee once our process has been finalized

Why Work With 100 Percent Financed?

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